The PAA PAC Committee

The PAA PAC Committee is a dedicated group formed to advance, fundraise, and champion the overall well-being of the PAC. The committee’s primary goal is to raise funds to support candidates that align with the values and goals of the multifamily industry. It works to build relationships with key policymakers, provide educational resources to members about political processes, and raise funds to contribute to campaigns that champion issues relevant to multifamily. The primary purpose of the PAC is to protect and advance the interests of the members of the Pennsylvania Apartment Association by supporting qualified candidates for state office - Members of the General Assembly, Governor, and Pennsylvania Supreme Court - in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and qualified county or municipal candidates, regardless of party affiliation, who understand and are sympathetic to these principles and this mission. This committee is for those with a vested interest in the PAC and a minimum $100.00 donation* is required to be a member.

 Interested? Send an email to Carol Christner, PAA's CEO at or to Steve Chintaman, VP of Government Affairs at

 *Donations must be made by personal funds or from an LLP.