Call for PAA Volunteers-Committees, Councils, and Task Forces

Posted By: Amy Pontius 90 Second Update , Community, Industry, PAA Events,

Committee Volunteer Form

Council Volunteer Form

Task Force Volunteer Form


Concierge: This committee will help coordinate, recruit, and market PAA Events and assist on-site as event volunteers. Subcommittees will be formed for APARTogether EXPO, Keystone Awards, Golf, and other events as needed.

Staff Liaisons: Beth Weachter and Alexandra Salamone

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: The DE&I Committee coordinates activities related to increasing the overall diversity of PAA's membership, and to ensure PAA is an inclusive organization with programming to meet the needs of our diverse stakeholder community. This is a high-engaging committee, seeking members to contribute content, be comfortable with uncomfortable conversations, and looking to increase awareness and advocacy of DE&I within out member companies.

Staff Liaisons: Roger Dickson and Christopher Kent

Education: We welcome anyone who works as a trainer or education director/coordinator for a management company/third party supplier partner or anyone who routinely seeks or develops educational programs for staff members, such as human resource personnel. The committee meets four times per year to determine education needs of the PAA membership and to plan educational programs and partnerships. Volunteer assistance and instructor participation will be expected at various time throughout service on this committee. Subcommittees may be formed.

Staff Liaisons: Roger Dickson and Kyle Galvin

Helping Hands: This is a very active, "hands" on committee. Committee members will develop, implement, and support new and existing community programs that benefit PAA Charity Partners. The committee will be asked to plan and execute legacy programs and new regional events in coordinations with Regional Advisory Councils.

Staff Liaisons: Alexandra Salamone and Kyle Galvin

Legislative: Committee members track legislative issues to recommend policies and actions for the association and assist in lobbying efforts where needed. Members are strongly encouraged to attend the annual NAA Advocate conference in March and the PAA statewide Advocacy Conference in May. The committee meets 6 times a year.

Staff Liaison: Steve Chintaman

Pennsylvania Supplier Committee/Network (PSC/PSN): The PSC member will represent PAA suppliers members, mentor new members onhow best to utilize and enhance their membership with the PAA and help recruit new supplier partners. The PAA PSC leads the Pennsylvania Supplier Network (PSN).  The PSC is led by a chair and chair elect who are appointed by the PAA executive committee and who serve for a two-year term. The chair and chair elect hold a PAA board seat.

Staff Liaisons: Amy Pontius and Beth Weachter


Central, East, Lehigh Valley, State College, West:

Regional Advisory Councils Charge and Scope:

The Regional Advisory Councils are one of the most important elements of PAA. It is PAA’s mission to make sure our Regional Advisory Councils have a voice and are contributing feedback to the PAA Board of Directors. Given the objective, the RACs purpose is to:

  • Commit to being the face of PAA in their local regions.  
  • Plan and execute their own activities with administrative support of PAA.  
  • Meet a minimum of four times per year.
  • Hold two learning and two networking opportunities per year.
  • Have representation from Property Management Companies and Supplier Partners.
  • Have two co-chairs – one from a property management company and one supplier partner.
  • Plan and execute their own activities with assistance of their assigned administrative liaison and overall support of PAA.

***Regional Advisory Councils will meet 4 times a year or at the discretion of the selected chairs and staff liaisons.


Affordable Housing Task Force: The Affordable Housing Task Force will address the educational and business needs of members within the Pennsylvania Apartment Association. This task force aims to provide resources, training, and support to help members navigate the complexities of affordable housing management and policy. The task force will be comprised of PAA members with expertise in affordable housing and their ability to share best practices and intiatives.  

Staff Liaisons: Amy Pontius, Carol Christner, and Rickie Zanone

Independent Rental Owner (IRO) Task Force: The Independent Rental Owners Task Force will address the unique educational and business needs of current and future members of the PAA. This task force aims to provide members with knowledge and resources necessary to manage their properties while also identifying strategies to attract new members to the association. The task force will include independent rental owners and PAA members with expertise in this field. Staff Liaisons: Amy Pontius and Carol Christner

***Task force meetings will occur 4 times a year or at the discretion of the elected committee chairs.