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Fair Housing Ain't Fair - It's Equal 2024 Edition-PAAWW#8

Fair Housing Ain't Fair - It's Equal 2024 Edition-PAAWW#8

PAA Webinar Wednesdays-supported by Multifamily Insiders

Wednesday, April 10, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EDT)

Event Details

Our annual review of everything fair housing for all multifamily professionals. We'll look at new protected classes, court decisions, HUD and DOJ guidance, We'll also touch on some all-time favorites like parking, harassment and everybody's number one focus: Assistive Animals. Fair Housing compliance can be confusing, a challenge and even burdensome at times; however, it is the law and the penalties - financial and reputation-wise - continue to increase.

  • "Establishing Rapport" Process
    Navigate the "establishing rapport" process while maintaining Fair Housing compliance.
  • Avoid Common Fair Housing Complaints
    Learn how to avoid the five most common Fair Housing complaints.
  • Three Essentials
    Hear the three essentials every Service Professional must know before entering an occupied apartment home.
  • Resident-on-Resident Fair Housing
    Effectively manage resident-on-resident Fair Housing issues.
  • New "No No Words"
    Learn the new "no no words" and find out how to replace them in conversations.

Doug Chasick, “That Fair Housing Guy”, and former President of The Fair Housing Institute, has more than 45 years of investment real estate experience, and has been the President or CEO of five real estate companies, responsible for portfolios of over 28,000 apartments, and more than 8 million square feet of commercial, retail and industrial properties. Doug was awarded his Certified Property Manager designation in 1979 and was a member of the Institute of Real Estate Management National Faculty for eight years. He is a Senior Instructor member of the National Apartment Association Education Institute Faculty and leads the Advanced Facilitator Training workshop.

A licensed Real Estate Broker in Florida, he is also a licensed Expert Fair Housing Instructor in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the recipient of the NAAEI Apartment Career & Education (ACE) award.


PAA Webinar Wednesdays-supported by Multifamily Insiders-is the largest weekly premium webinar series in the multifamily industry, helping you gain the skills to improve your performance and advance in your career! Through this program, you get access to innovative ideas, best practices, and emerging trends from a variety of topics, including customer service, leasing and marketing, resident retention, career advancement, leadership techniques, and other property management skills to become a superstar at your company and/or in your profession!

For More Information:

Roger Dickson
Roger Dickson
Pennsylvania Apartment Association



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